After a wonderful two weeks in Tempe, this morning I bade a fond farewell to my wonderful friend and host RoniSue, and biked about 11 miles south to Chandler, where I met an old Portland friend, Stephanie, who recently moved from Albuquerque to the Phoenix area. We met at a vegan comfort-food restaurant she loves, called Nana’s Kitchen. Our meal was delicious, and we got a chance to catch up on our respective lives, which continued when she very kindly gave me a ride down to Tucson. (You will recall that the alternative would have been the Greyhound, where I paid $73.50 for the one-way, two-hour ride, and shared a bus with people who were not all properly masked.) This way was so much better, and we got to enjoy the scenery together and talk about life.
In Tucson, before she dropped me off, we stopped at a local fast-food place called Eegee’s to get a special fruit-slushie beverage they serve there. When I had first arrived in Tucson on the train from San Diego, as I was disembarking, a local told me, “Oh, your first time in Tucson? You gotta go to Eegee’s, and get the lemon Eegee!” So, today I did just that. (It was good, but I probably don’t need to do it again.)
Stephanie dropped me back at a previous Tucson Warmshowers host’s house, Lucia. I was surprised and pleased to learn that we would soon be joined by another Warmshowers guest. When Shadow pulled up on his touring bike a couple of hours later, it turned out that he had been in Tempe for several days as well (and, unlike me, had biked the distance between, stopping overnight to camp near Eloy) and had stayed at the home of Ryan and his family, another Warmshowers host I had stayed with on my first time through Tempe.
Small world. Pretty cool.
Tomorrow I will be bicycling north, to Oro Valley for one night, on my way out to Oracle and Biosphere 2. I’m looking forward to a new adventure!
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