Taking The Loop to Oro Valley


I had no idea one could bike all the way from West Tucson to Oro Valley—22 miles north—almost entirely on the Chuck Huckleberry Loop Trail. What a treat to discover that today! I biked maybe a mile on neighborhood streets to reach the Loop, and then took some heavy-traffic arterials and a few neighborhood streets on the other end—mostly because I wanted to stop at Safeway for Clif bars, and when I did, I met a cool couple who were excited to hear about my adventures—but other than that, I remained on the wonderful car-free loop for the whole journey.

Once I arrived, I was met by my wonderful Warmshowers hosts for the night, Kurt and Lisa (and their two adorable and energetic small dogs!) We had a delicious home-cooked dinner, and then I went on a sunset walk with Lisa to the nearby golf course in hopes of finding the resident grazing javelinas, and/or some coyotes, bobcats, or other wildlife. Sadly, those animals were not out this evening, but we did see a cool small red bird, a white crane, and a blue heron.

Then after dinner we talked for hours about a wide variety of topics. I’m only here for one night—Oracle tomorrow!—but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with Kurt and Lisa.

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