Dream Into Change salons coming up + a new Meetup group!
Hello, fellow culture shifters!
After a bit of a hiatus during the winter months, the Dream Into Change salons are back! I wanted to let you know about three upcoming ones in the Portland area, but I’m also looking to host them in some other cities in the coming months, including Washington, DC, Austin, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
The salon is a free, informal event where people with culture-shifting ideas and projects come together to talk about them, and support and inspire each other. These ideas and projects can include business ideas, political campaigns, creative endeavors, and the like. Each person introduces themselves and talks briefly about their ideas and/or projects, and then there is an opportunity for mingling, networking, brainstorming, and discussion.
In Portland, I have two themed Salons coming up, as well as an un-themed, open one. (Three different venues.)
Tuesday, May 10: Nonviolent Communication/Restorative Justice theme
5:30-7:00 pm, Know Thy Food Collective, 3434 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland
Tuesday, May 24: Vegan theme
6:00-8:00 pm, Papa G’s Organic Deli, 2314 SE Division St., Portland
Tuesday, June 7: No theme; all ideas welcome
6:00-8:00 pm, Liz’s Creative Café, 9401 SE 32nd Ave, Portland/Milwaukie
You can RSVP to any of these on Facebook; they are all listed at www.facebook.com/dreamintochange (Or, you can send me a message via the “contact” button here.)
I also invite you to join my brand-new Meetup group, Portland Culture Shifters. For now, the Meetup is a way to invite people who are not on Facebook to the salons, but there may be other gatherings posted there in the future.
Finally, if you live in one of the above-mentioned cities, please feel free to contact me if you or anyone you know might be interested in attending such an event in your city, and/or if you know of a good venue where I could hold a salon. I will be in DC in late June, and I’m tentatively planning on the other three cities next March.