Happy mid-spring to all of you in the northern hemisphere! (And mid-autumn to those down south!)
After my dramatic last post, the past few weeks have been pretty tame and pleasant. Although the rains and cooler temps have now re-descended on the Northwest, I was blessed upon my return with a solid couple of weeks of unseasonably dry and sunny skies, coupled with beautiful spring blossoms, both in Portland—where I stayed with two friends for a few days each, then did a short cat sit—and then in Salem/Keizer, where I spent a week with a wonderful kitty named Rocky.

There’s really not much to report, so I’ll mostly make this a photo essay, since I visited several local nature parks, but a couple things:
I got to see Johnny again, after a two-month absence, and it was wonderful to learn about all the great things he is working on in the prison, including lots of projects with the Asian Club as well as regaining a job as one of two healing garden caretakers, so he’s spending lots of time nurturing his creation and enjoying the out of doors.
I also had a cool serendipitous meeting with a fellow Bromptoneer in Bush’s Pasture Park! Salem is not a hot spot for Bromptons. Although I spot one in Portland maybe once a week or so (including immediately after my train trip back up here after Salem) I think I had only ever seen one in Salem, in the 12+ years I have been visiting there regularly.
But on my last full day in the area, I was enjoying spectacular weather next to one of my favorite parks in the city, immediately after doing a meet-and-greet for a possible late-summer cat sit in an adjacent neighborhood. After walking through first the camas forest and then the resplendent rhododendron path, I had found a nice shady bench and was simply sinking into the moment, when along came a man on a beautiful, brand-new-looking dark green Brompton. His name was Wayne, and he sat down and joined me for what turned into a chat of well over an hour.

I love serendipitous magical meetings! And it’s so fun how the Brompton often sparks them when I’m out and about.

I’m back in Portland now, caring for a couple of cuties I’ll write about in my next post, but I’ll leave you here with a parting photo of Rocky.

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