Today was warm and sunny, just like I like it!
This morning I bade farewell to my gracious hosts, and set off down the hill into Sebastopol. I biked past vineyards and hills, though I wasn’t able to get very good photos of them. Shortly after I left, I encountered a couple walking their three dogs along the road (if you’re reading, hi, Peter and Amy!) and we talked about my Brompton and my journey for a while. I always enjoy interacting with people about these topics.
When I reached town, I met up at a coffee shop with an acquaintance, with whom I had a great chat. He ended up giving me a pretty extensive tour of Sebastopol and Santa Rosa, and we enjoyed a couple of local vegan restaurants and a locally owned natural-foods store. I was glad to get to see a bit more of Santa Rosa.

After our visit, I headed back to Sebastopol on the same rails-to-trails path I took yesterday afternoon, and then met tonight’s host in a local park where he was walking his dog. (I’ll get to walk the dog tomorrow!)

He and his wife live in yet another local cohousing community; I have been surprised by how popular such communities are here in Sonoma County. Very cool. My host had made a big pot of delicious bean-and-vegetable soup, and we enjoyed it, along with some sourdough bread from a local bakery, outside with several neighbors from the community. Many of them had lived in the community since its inception, 22 years ago. I’m appreciating the deep roots that many people in this area seem to have as well, much like those I met around the Ukiah area.
When it got chilly, I headed inside to the guest room in their community. While guests have traditionally been common in this place, I am their first guest in a year and a half—since COVID hit—so that’s kind of cool.
I’ve got one more day and night in Sebastopol, and then I’ll head south a bit, to Petaluma. Highs in the low 70s in this area for the next several days; I’m loving it!
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