New York Botanical Garden


This place is amazing. I had visited once before, almost exactly three years ago. That visit was kind of a comedy of errors, which ended up with me arriving at the garden with only 40 minutes left until closing time. The admission was $30 (oof) but I didn’t know when I’d be back in New York, and I had spent all day trying to get to this place. At the suggestion of the ticket agent, I hurriedly hopped on their 30-minute tram ride, and watched everything in this 250-acre place while it was narrated. Although ridiculously short, it was still a beautiful visit, and I told myself that next time I was in New York, I would block out an entire day to see it.

Well, you know what they say about the best-laid plans. After a very full day yesterday, a less-than-optimal night of sleep (I’ve been struggling with that lately) and a rainy morning, by the time I got to the garden this time I only had two hours to spend. I wish it had been three or four. (Next time!!)

However, that time frame was enough to relax into the experience and really appreciate the staggering beauty of the place. The clouds and recent rain really upped the spring-magic factor, and I just walked around and drank it in.

If you’re ever in New York, definitely plan a whole day to see this gem of the Bronx.

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