Wow, what an incredibly full day! I cannot cover it all here… it might take more than two posts, actually. I’ll have to cover the Central Park stuff in a future post.
Aside from Central Park—where I spent most of the day—there were three main components to the day:
1) Navigating Manhattan traffic, while doing my best to appreciate some of the surrounding views/ambience. (Side note: I saw *so* many Bromptons! Probably more in my 36 or so hours here so far than in the entire rest of my eight months in other US cities on this trip.)
2) Meeting up with someone I met on Facebook in a group she runs for full time travelers and nomads, Heather Markel (we had lunch in Midtown at Plant Junkie)
3) My Manhattan host Noah giving me a 30-mile-loop evening bicycle tour around the perimeter of the island, followed by a wonderful Ethiopian dinner at a local restaurant (Thanks again, Noah! It was awesome!)
I’ll let the photos do the talking. (And please excuse my hilarious helmet hair! If this journey has taught me nothing else, it’s to take my appearance and clothing less seriously, and laugh at myself whenever possible.)

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