I don’t know what to write.
I know it’s been four more days.
Words kind of fail, to be honest.
My time here in Madison so far has been profoundly powerful. Spiritually transformative. This time will launch me into the next chapter of my journey—the “loop” of which will come full circle in Portland in less than a month—and forward into the rest of my life.
I’ve barely seen the city. (I’m sure it’s lovely. I’ll visit again sometime.)
Mostly, I’ve spent the past six days at Kenneth’s sanctuary, surrounded by art, trees, bountiful garden space, wonderful home-cooked meals, and nourishing, healing, and inspiring connection.

I also got out one day, to meet in person a magical woman (dare I say a goddess?) named Penelope, whom I’ve known for a couple of years, but only on Facebook. It was wonderful to connect in person. She and I are planning to see each other again before I leave town for Minneapolis on the 23rd.

It’s hard to put into words how wonderful and meaningful this time has been, so I won’t attempt to do so.
But I’m so glad to have spent this time with Kenneth, and I look forward to sharing my future adventures with him, and hearing about his as well. (He’s dreaming up an epic bike—and maybe also train!—journey around the US also.)
All I can say is, magic is real, and I am deeply inspired to step into living more and more from it as I move forward. Thank you all for following my journey. I’m excited to share with you whatever wonder may unfold in the coming months.

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