Wow, what a gorgeous day for a bike ride!
I said farewell to my wonderful Bellingham hosts Alek and Zoe late this morning, and pedaled north toward the Canadian border. The clouds and sun put on a spectacular show for the whole 25 miles, with the bucolic countryside adding its charm to the mix.
I arrived at the border in Blaine, via the truck route—per Google Maps’ instructions—but then had to endure a short lecture about how bicyclists should not use the truck route. (Hmmm. OK, I wish someone would tell Google that.) The questioning was both more extensive and more invasive than it had been during my easy-breezy bike crossing from Vermont into Quebec (“How much money do you have access to in your bank account right now?”) but she eventually let me through, with an admonition to use the passenger-vehicle lane in the future.
There were blackberry snacks to be had along the whole route; it’s great to be back in this bioregion!
I arrived at the home of my Warmshowers hosts, Jane and Billy, in the late afternoon. They are preparing to move significantly east within the province in just three weeks, so I was especially grateful that they were willing to receive me in the midst of their packing and sorting. Jane even made a delicious vegan chickpea curry for dinner.
While she prepared it, she encouraged me to go for a golden-hour walk through the neighborhood park across the street. What should I find there but another Little Free Library! (I don’t think it was an “official,” registered one, but they are all awesome.) There were also a couple of duck ponds in the park, which were lovely at that hour.
I’ll be out of here at about 8:00 tomorrow (quite early for me!) to continue my trek up to Vancouver. I’m looking forward to connecting with friends old and new there.
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