Wow, today was one of the most beautiful rides of the trip so far. Almost all flat, mostly along the ocean. Great separated bike paths.
I enjoyed all the palm trees as I rolled out of Santa Barbara this morning. Pretty soon they gave way to various bikeways. I stopped in the cute town of Carpinteria to grab lunch at the local natural food store, Pacific Health Foods. I was delighted to discover some packaged deli items there from Evolution Fast Food, in San Diego! That is one of my favorite vegan restaurants in San Diego, and I hadn’t realized they sold their food elsewhere. I guess I’ve officially arrived in SoCal!
I continued south from Carpinteria, marveling at the miles of sea views from the separated bikeway.
I arrived at my wonderful Warmshowers host’s house after dark, and we shared a nice meal and chatted about travel, while her adorable dog looked on.
I biked 40 miles today, which is surprisingly on the longer end of what I’ve been used to. (I had initially planned on 30-50 miles roughly every other day on this trip, but it’s often been less, for various reasons.) I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep, and then 29 more (flat, yay!) miles inland to Moorpark, where I’ll be staying with friends.
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