
I woke up this morning on the train, after an admittedly fitful night of sleep as we jostled around curves all night. (I got a nap this afternoon, which felt divine, though I hope it doesn’t keep me awake all night tonight.)
I made my way to the dining car for a nice breakfast of oatmeal, fresh fruit, and potatoes. Because of social distancing, I ate at a table alone. This was kind of sad, because one of my favorite things about train travel over the years has been the camaraderie of the dining car, being seated with new strangers at each meal and hearing about each other’s travels, present and past. But, at least the scenery was glorious.

The next couple hours I spent in my roomette and the lounge car, enjoying the beautiful Southwestern views.

My good friend Michelle met me on the platform in Albuquerque, and we hit the local co-op so that I could replenish my supplies, then relaxed in her home until her husband returned from work, and then we all went out to dinner at one of my favorite Albuquerque restaurants, Annapurna’s.
After the meal, we returned home and played with the cats until a friend of theirs arrived to chat with me about my travels, which was fun and pleasant in their outdoor living-room area.
Now it’s time for sleep again. Tomorrow I’m excited to check out Taos, New Mexico, and especially the nearby Earthships!
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