Prescott and surrounds


Today was a fun day! My hosts drove me around Prescott to Watson Lake (different angle from yesterday), Willow Creek Lake (look at those rock formations in the Granite Dells!), downtown Prescott, up to a tribal casino with a wonderful view of the city, and finally out to dinner at a fun local Mexican restaurant.

I didn’t take many photos downtown (just this one of the courthouse in the middle of the square) but while there, we went into several old-west-styled bars as well as some great art galleries.

We also visited the shuttle company where I’ll be taking off for Phoenix tomorrow; it has been a multi-day, multi-phone-call challenge to make sure they could fit my bike and trailer on board their relatively small buses. I believe we got it all figured out today: we even did a “trial run” of actually loading the bike and trailer into one of their vans.

After dinner tonight, we went on a walk along a downtown Prescott neighborhood block known for Halloween decorations. Some of the displays were very complex and impressive! The selfie doesn’t really do the decorations justice, but it was a fun experience.

I’m glad I’ve had the chance now to visit Prescott; I had heard good things about it for years. Looking forward to a new experience in Tempe tomorrow!

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