Well, it’s official. On the evening of July 4th, in Montreal, I began to feel a slight sore throat. I tested myself in the morning: negative. I boarded the bus to Ottawa, faithfully wearing my KN-95 mask.
The symptoms continued. When I tested again last night, on the 6th, it was confirmed: I did catch COVID, presumably at the Marillion weekend.
It’s been a bummer, for sure. I slept a lot yesterday, and I’m spending a lot more than I had planned on a hotel room; of course I couldn’t stay with my planned hosts in this condition.
I do my best to see opportunity in every setback. This is giving me a needed rest.
And this time feels like a bit of a turning point in my journey. I am more than ¾ of the way through my loop. I have entered a new country. I have begun my journey westward, back toward Portland.
So I’ve taken some of this downtime to do some dreaming into the next year of my life. This past (current) year’s travels have been absolutely incredible. Everything I had wished for. And… I’d like to continue! I plan to arrive back in Portland by the end of September, but I am continually refining my dream for my “new” (post-Lippman Company) life, and so even though I’m technically still sick, I took the selfie here a few minutes ago, and it reflects my state of mind: kinda messy, imperfect, but absolutely loving life.
So here is my dream for my “new life.” Coincidentally, I drafted most of this on the 4th, in Montreal (before any symptoms) sitting next to a beautiful pond in a beautiful park. I’ve added a bit more just now. I invite you to take a look, and help me to hold the vision that this will come to pass:
My dream is to live lightly in the world, as a blessing and inspiration to others, and a connector and supporter of visionaries and changemakers—especially those of marginalized identities—around the world. (These marginalized identities include women and people of color, but I’m also feeling especially inspired to support LGBTQIA+ folks, especially trans folks; neurodivergent, especially autistic, people; and/or trauma survivors) around the world. I connect these folks to each other, at times, for mutual support, and I also “broker” funding to them via Fairy Godfunders, whom I also encounter in my travels. These godfunders are people with abundant financial and/or material means, who wish to directly support the changemakers by “underwriting” their work for some period of time, such as a year. (My personal experience is that members of these marginalized communities often have brilliant ideas and skills to help the world, but because of discrimination, mental and/or physical exhaustion, Complex PTSD, and/or neurological challenges, it can be very difficult for them to “hold down a job,” much less one that actually uses their passion and skills for the best benefit of the collective. Our world is poorer as a result.)
Money flows joyfully and abundantly toward me to support this life mission, and also flows through me to support these visionaries and world changers.
Much of my time is spent in “magical meetings,” both virtual and in-person, and also bicycling, walking in nature, traveling by train, enjoying natural and artistic/architectural beauty, music, and conversation.
I also embody magic, sensuality, and eroticism, and I attract the right people and situations into my life for all of us to enjoy these things together. I also enjoy exploring psychonautics/psychedelics, and pondering questions of the human condition and the nature of the universe.
People are inspired by my energy and vision/mission, and they invite me to stay in their cities for anywhere between about a week to a month at a time. They help me to find lodging at little or no cost.
One example of this would be housesitting, as an example of godfunding. I may take care of plants or pets at times (or household physical issues) but mostly people offer me their abundant/unused space in good faith, as a form of godfunding toward my mission. (One friend of mine likened this idea to that of an “artist in residence,” though my most of my “art” takes a different form.)
Some of the lodging, though, may be staying in homes with residents, as I have been doing for the past year; I have loved all the connections I have enjoyed in this way, even though I now wish to mix in a bit more solitary time for the coming year.
I connect in person with these various folks when I am in their cities, and all of us consider it a win-win blessing to do so. We then part ways energized and inspired when I move on to a new locale.
The cities are geographically linked such that I encounter optimal weather in each one as I visit (highs in the 70s F/20s C, lows no lower than about 50 F/10 C, minimal rain, low humidity). I have learned enough about myself at this point in my life to know that an important part of my self-care includes this kind of optimal weather.
These cities are also geographically situated in such a way that I can access them in eco-optimal ways, such as cycling or trains, with occasional coaches or carpools. Minimal flying. I am initially inclined toward another loop of the US and Canada, such as I have been doing this past year, though I would also like to spend time in Europe, and perhaps also Central and/or South America.
I aim for an average of one or two magical meetings per day, and I distill the contents into my blog/newsletter. People read and subscribe because they want to be inspired by the people I meet with, and/or connect with them, and/or offer them support of various kinds.
In these magical meetings, I feel out who people are, what their dreams and projects are, the status of the projects, what their obstacles are, and what kinds of support they would like to receive from others:
*Funding (small and/or godfunding, but especially godfunding)
*In-kind material contributions such as housing/lodging, transportation, food, etc
*Volunteer mentoring and/or skill-sharing from those who have expertise to share
This is my dream for the coming year, starting in October of 2022. I have fears that this may not be possible. But I also have hope and excitement that it will be! I am publishing this to make my dream “official,” and to begin to put out feelers for anyone you think I might wish to talk to, as a changemaker, godfunder, potential host, or anything else.
I am excited to imagine my—and all of your—dreams coming to fruition!
Do you have your own dream or project, and would like some support or collaborative brainstorming about it? Use the green “contact” button above to schedule a free one-hour phone or video call with me!
Want to be notified of future blog posts? Use the green “sign up” button to subscribe!
Want to support my vision financially? I am in the process of manifesting $50,000 in lieu of a “salary” for the year of this journey. You can make a one-time or monthly contribution, or even become a Fairy Godfunder! (Heartfelt thanks to all my patrons and supporters!)