Today was another multimodal travel day. This morning I boarded the train from Ann Arbor to Kalamazoo (and oof, was it a tight squeeze loading everything into the sold-out coach car, with two wheelchairs already in the car!) Then I biked 25 miles from Kalamazoo up to the small town of Allegan, Michigan, partway to Grand Rapids.
I’ll mostly let the photos speak for themselves. I did stop for lunch at Kalamazoo’s co-op (since 1970!) which was cool.
When I arrived in Allegan, I was met by the coolest Warmshowers couple, Rian and Paula, and their two adorable cats, sisters Thelma and Louise, in their beautiful 1936 house overlooking the river. (I always take note of houses built in the 1930s, since that was such a rare occurrence during the Depression. I remember staying in a really cool 1936 house in San Francisco, too… and that is the same year the Golden Gate Bridge was completed.)
The three of us shared some great conversation about bicycling, traveling, and life, and they fed me abundantly, including a decadent dish of vegan So Delicious ice cream! It was a perfect evening, after a near-perfect day of beautiful mild sunny cycling weather and lovely bike paths.
Tomorrow, on to Grand Rapids!
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