A new park, and good human connections


Today was a good day. The sun shone, and the temps were in the mid-60s. I managed to replace at least the bite valve on my hydration pack; not sure how long that will fix the problem, but I would think the new one would have to be better than the one that got run over by a car yesterday.

I also got to see a childhood friend from the tiny historic hamlet of Waterford, Virginia, outside of which I grew up. Kristin, and her sweetie Eric, took me on an excursion first to a nearby REI to get the bite valve, and then to McLaren Park, a large grassy, hilly, and at times forested park within city limits. We reminisced about our ‘70s and ‘80s childhoods in Waterford, and about various friends and classmates from over the years, before parting ways in the afternoon after a nice lunch at a nearby pizza place. It’s always cool to reconnect with people from times past, and circle back around to old memories, seeing how they fit within new times.

Afterward, I returned to my host’s place and enjoyed the sunshine and some pretty purple flowers in the late afternoon on the front patio.

Then tonight’s dinner guest arrived: Maryjane, another longtime Servas host, traveler, and organizer like my host Susan. We had some great conversation about Servas, travel, and all manner of topics, over a delicious home-cooked meal.

Tomorrow I will be making my way over to Alameda, quite possibly on a ferry! If I have time, I might also stop at a local co-op grocery: Susan told me about it today, after I remarked that a recent host had lamented the lack of any co-ops remaining in the Bay area. I hope I’ll have time to take a look; it sounds like a colorful and venerable institution.

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