More friend time, more restaurants, more park time


Today was pleasant and mostly low-key. I had a very leisurely morning, taking care of a few chores such as cleaning and lubing my bike chain (which was way overdue; eek!)

Then I cycled over to Hazel & Jade bakery in Hillcrest, one of two wonderful all-vegan bakeries along a brand-new (since I was last here, in October!) bike lane. The two bakeries are just about three blocks apart, although sadly I discovered that Starry Lane was closed today. But I got a decadent chocolate-peanut butter brownie at Hazel & Jade. (No pic—I ate it too soon!)

Michele came down with her doggie Dawa from Escondido to meet me there, and we drove out to check out a little vegan hotspot on the northeast outskirts of town: Grossmont Center, which is a shopping area with a very vegan-friendly food court. We got some good Chinese food at Tasty Inn Express. (Again, no pic—oops!)

Then we stopped at the vegan grocery store nearby, Mission Square Market. I always enjoy visiting there when I’m in town.

And then Michele dropped me off, just before sunset, in Balboa Park again. I watched the sky dim, with the purple mountains in the distance, from the rose garden. Then I biked back to my Warmshowers hosts’ house in North Park. We had some good conversation over a meal of homemade garbanzo bean curry. Before dinner, I had spent about an hour just sitting out on the porch; I love that it is now warm enough here to do that! I’m really looking forward to spending longer chunks of winter time in San Diego in future years.

Tomorrow, I hope to soak up a bit more time in the park, and then I’ll head west for two nights, to say a fond farewell to the Pacific Ocean in the fun little hippie enclave of Ocean Beach.

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