Yesterday was my “latest” bicycling day, in terms of going from one town to another: I started in the afternoon, and arrived late in the evening. The trek was about 35 miles, with about 950 feet of elevation. (That Custis trail had some hills on it; oof!)
I had enjoyed the Hillwood Estate in the morning—with a lovely creekside bike path on the way back—and then enjoyed a nice homemade lunch with Mike and Marya, before heading out to my friend Michelle’s place at about 1:30.

Mike took a farewell picture of me with my rig, before I pedaled down their NW DC street.

I got stuck in traffic on M Street in Georgetown for quite a while; the streets were narrow enough, and my rig wide enough, that I couldn’t squeeze next to the cars, so I had to just “be” one of them.
But finally I made it onto the Key Bridge to cross the Potomac. On the Virginia side, I quickly joined the Custis Trail, and then eventually the W & OD (Washington & Old Dominion.) That path had been widened in some areas since I last biked it, about two and a half years ago, which was cool. There were also some very lush green spaces on the sides of it.

Once I got near Vienna, I had to get onto roads, although in many cases the roads had nice tar-paved “side paths” next to them: not really sidewalks, but separated paths that felt much safer than riding in the roads with the fast traffic.
When I finally arrived in Centreville, just before dark at 8:00, I was greeted by Michelle, her sweetie Mars (who turned out to be an avid prog-rock fan!) and her two adorable dogs Goliath and Gretta.

Today was rainy and very quiet. Tomorrow, I plan to continue on the W & OD all the way out to Leesburg, where my parents will pick me up from the “homestead” outside of Waterford. I haven’t seen them, and the homestead, in those two and a half years; I’m excited!
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